Nikki Sprite Webcomic Page 190 – Change of Plans
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Bob has come through before in these situations! Woot!
Don’t see an axe though
Wait, if the warding spell was put up to keep out Exor, why is it keeping Talona out as well? o_O
Good point about the spell -perhaps it wasn’t cast by Alondra after all 😛
Curiouser and curiouser…
Ooo! So maybe it’s not to keep Exor out, but to keep Alondra in!
Are we getting the new strip at the beginning of June?
In June yes, but -sorry- not at the beginning. I’m working on Oculus Rift content for a show in mid-June. I’ll try to get the comic back on track right after.
Thanks for the update TK. Good luck with the O.R. project.
Nice. 🙂
The thought just came to mind that someday I’d like to see a male character in this strip is not a shit, a creep, or a dork. But on the other hand, I’m just as happy that the only competent, friendly male character is myself, watching the female characters. 😉
Aw, face it. You’re all silly little boys until well trained.
As we all await in nervous anticipation for an up-date that seems not
to be coming in JUNE.
Much Love & Luck with the O.R. Project.
I”ll check back in 6 months or so to see if you’ve posted another panel.
Um… how many months are there between bi-weekly updates? 😉
Anyone heard from TK lately?
I suspect he’s still busy with his work judging by past absences. Never mind, I’m sure our patience will be rewarded soon enough 😀
I’ll keep checking back every Thursday.
Hurry Up & Wait ….. Are you a Government Agent that loves to
torture the readers by not up-dating?
TK posts a panel occasionally then lies about resuming updates. It’s a worn out schtick that’s gone on forever here.
Do the fucking thing or kill it off. Doesn’t matter anyway. The readers got their money’s worth.
that was a short six months.
Personally still checking in approximately every week day (have missed a few days), and will continue to do so (patiently) until there is either a new page or the link no longer works
Likewise, Guesticus. It costs us nothing but a moment of our time to see if any new content has been posted and anything new we do get to see is a bonus 🙂
Guesticus, I designated Thursday “Niki Sprite Day” and check every Niki Sprite Day.
TK gets distracted by life in the real world, that’s just the way it is. I understand because I have a garage full of projects that life keeps distracting me from.
Have this in a folder with some other webics, and it doesn’t take much time to right-click open-new-tab this along with the others
Use to have another webic that would manually enter the addy for daily, but it seems no longer welcome there after calling out one of the ‘heroes’ for doing an idiotic thing
Checking site again…. Patient , one must be.
Don’t forget to vote
Last thing TK said was he’d get back on the comic right after his show in mid-June. Now… still on this episode after 15 weeks. Oh, well. That’s what happens to labors of love that don’t generate an income. And they’re free, so we can’t complain.
I can’t imagine how much time it must take to put each of these panels together. I’m sure our patience will be rewarded.
well, as much as i wanna remain a fan of what you created here, the lack of constant updates, not just on the comic itself, but even a “hey, im still alive but my life is busy or whatever” is kinda meh, so as of today, bookmark shall be deleted, Im sick of getting my hopes up.
Bu-bye Was a fair-weather fan, still checking in every week day, and voting
03/09/2016 ….. Still adrift in the Void …. Still holding out hope for a morsel of an up-date …. Is support still on the way ?
lol its been a year since i last checked glad to see there are still new pages being made every once in a blue moon
thanks tdk
I look forward to the 2017 episode of this strip.
My grumblings about this abandoned comic aside, I do hope you’re having a great birthday, TK! Treat yourself, and, maybe, drop by here every now and again.
Glad to see this site back to normal so quickly after it was hacked recently.
November 20 and still no up-date … ?
Nov.20,2016 and still NO Up-Date ?
I don’t mind when a web comic takes a break, but it is nice when the author at least tells his readers how long it may be until it comes back (or if they just decided to kill it….)
Happy Thanksgiving T.K. We’d love to hear from you sometime.
So glad to see this back, the last week when it went to a page indicating that the URL had lapsed was more scary than no updates
This to me reinforces my belief that the site will be updated again eventually. Had TK truly abandoned the comic as some claim then I doubt we would have seen the website restored after the URL had lapsed (or after it was hacked a couple of months ago).
Hey everyone. What happened last week is a long story, but in a nutshell: until yesterday my web host was Hostgator. IMHO they used to be a terrific hosting company. A few years ago they were bought by EIG, a huge web hosting conglomerate. After their buyout, Hostgator support steadily declined, but not enough to make me abandon ship -until last week. Sitelock is a website security company that is also owned by EIG and therefore affiliated with Hostgator. I feel Sitelock is very shady, to put it mildly. They randomly scan websites for malware. There are tons of posts on different forums about Sitelock’s questionable practices, with some people even going so far as to accuse Sitelock of installing malware themselves. They identified malware on my 3D site, The file was a vanilla PHP mail script that is harmless, and that I’ve run for years. Because Hostgator is a Sitelock partner, my account was suspended until I hired a third party company to clean all of my websites. Of course, Hostgator recommended Sitelock, who charges hundreds of dollars for such cleaning services. I refused to allow Sitelock and Hostgator to extort me. After some research, I signed on with a new host, and moved all of my sites yesterday.
As for my absence -I’m a fairly private person when it comes to family and health, but since most of this is behind me, I’m comfortable to share some information and explain this extended hiatus. In 2016 I was diagnosed with cancer. I had surgery and am well on the road to full recovery, but of course my work has been impacted. Currently I’m a month behind a side animation project, to say nothing of my full time job. When I finally get caught up next year and have a moment to catch my breath, I’ll return to what I truly enjoy doing: this comic.
Until then, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. And thank you all for your extraordinary patience. -TK
All the best to you, too, TK.
2016 took no prisoners. Let’s hope, 2017 will be better.
Thomas (first time commenter)
Gonna be checking in every week day (like always), take your time and do what you need to get healthy (and pay the bills), and still voting 😀
Not sure why people made such a huge deal about your absence (it only takes a few seconds to load the page, depending on connection speed)
Both me and mum had cancer a few years ago, even though personally had one of the rarer cancers (1 in 30 million) they managed to diagnose and remove it within a week (went to GP on a Thursday, he sent me to Hospital on the Friday, had the surgery the following Wednesday) and completely symptom free ever since, but mum wasn’t quite as lucky, but, apart from having to have a stomo in her stomach, she is doing well
Glad to hear from you TK. 2016 seems to have been a hard year for lots of people. I hope you’re feeling better and getting stronger. May your 2017 be better than 2016.
Wow, that’s quite a thing. Glad to hear you’re recovering, TK. It’s good that you’re coming back. Kib has been alone with two scantily dressed girls way too long! Merry Christmas.
It’s been nine months since you told us about your health problems. How are things going?
Yes, TK, How is your health progressing?