Btw i would LOVE to see Pita Nikki and Ashley dress up as nudists for halloween. (meaning not wearing anything at all whatsoever for halloween). maybe they could EVEN be exhibitionists for halloween. (♥ω♥)
I don’t think this webcomic will ever start again. It’s like all the rest, writers block. I hope the artist health is better. I quit and will delete this from my list
It always amuses me how some visitors feel it necessary to announce their departure, often writing in terms that suggest they’ve been somehow victimised by the lack of updates from a website that is free to visit.
I still check in once or twice a week at least, doesn’t do me any harm and if it does ever get going again I’d like to be part of the enjoyable experience that is reading the new updates.
I also check back once a month. However, it would be nice to get some feedback from TK as to whether or not he actually plans to work further on this webstrip.
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“Yes, but I would still like helping you out of it more.”
YES! love the costume
Very Nice!
YES!!!!! *cough* Yes, and happy to see you again dear Pita, you have been missed
would not mind seeing the other end of that costume
TK, you’re back 🙂
I’d be will to fly out to San Diego if I thought Pita would be waiting there in that costume.
damn, pita…
Pita’s “kitty” looks a little swollen.
Umm, no, no it doesn’t AgedSage
is this comic dead?
Nope, just on an extended break as explained by the author in another page’s comment:
Best be careful AgedSage. Pita could kick your butt.
Has anyone heard from TK? I’d like to know how he’s doing.
hell ya i love yer costume pita!!! (♥ω♥)
Btw i would LOVE to see Pita Nikki and Ashley dress up as nudists for halloween. (meaning not wearing anything at all whatsoever for halloween). maybe they could EVEN be exhibitionists for halloween. (♥ω♥)
it would also be awesome if next time comic con came into town pita dressed as an exhibitionist/nudist for ComicCon.(♥ω♥)
it would also be awesome if the next time ComicCon came into town pita dressed as an exhibitionist/nudist for ComicCon. (♥ω♥)
I don’t think this webcomic will ever start again. It’s like all the rest, writers block. I hope the artist health is better. I quit and will delete this from my list
A flounce. A palpable flounce.
Thank you ever so much for letting us know.
I have an “abandoned comics” list, I relegated this to it some time ago, but I check back every month or two.
It always amuses me how some visitors feel it necessary to announce their departure, often writing in terms that suggest they’ve been somehow victimised by the lack of updates from a website that is free to visit.
I still check in once or twice a week at least, doesn’t do me any harm and if it does ever get going again I’d like to be part of the enjoyable experience that is reading the new updates.
I know I’m not the only one 🙂
Same here Kestral, even vote every time (not just once a month or even once a week)
Look, TK! Your loyal fans are still here!!
Missing you.
Still checking.
Still voting
I also check back once a month. However, it would be nice to get some feedback from TK as to whether or not he actually plans to work further on this webstrip.
Has anyone heard from TK? I know there was a cancer issue that he mentioned. Is he well? Is he taking time off to heal?
Was hoping for a new Halloween invotive at the least 🙁
Has this gone by the wayside? 7 Months? Or am I missing something?
Oppps just read the word Cancer… My apologies. A difficult time I know (My wife if fighting Leukemia herself) I can only wish the best for TK.
I check and vote every morning.
As long as the page doesn’t come up 404 I have hope.
Same here Macska