I hope we’ll figure out that part of Ashley’s story lateron. In the meantime, I’m very anxious to find out how Nikki is going to get herself out of this again… will her special powers help her, will someone else come to her aid, or… ?
Tha’ts what I thought 2 Lunaroki, So or well get an evil pita or we going a “wow” fighter pita when she returns.
Also only just popped in my mind is, did TK read / liked “The Maxx” but then he can tall o here 😛
And yes I did. The complete comic version and have wached the total tv version several times in one go 2 😛
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Cat fight! 😀
Seriously though, what the hell happened to Ashley while she was in Terestai? Is that even really her?
I hope we’ll figure out that part of Ashley’s story lateron. In the meantime, I’m very anxious to find out how Nikki is going to get herself out of this again… will her special powers help her, will someone else come to her aid, or… ?
Tha’ts what I thought 2 Lunaroki, So or well get an evil pita or we going a “wow” fighter pita when she returns.
Also only just popped in my mind is, did TK read / liked “The Maxx” but then he can tall o here 😛
And yes I did. The complete comic version and have wached the total tv version several times in one go 2 😛
….pillow fight!