Either Pim is wrong or some else knew – or at least recently learned about it: Her teacher was attacked before she got there. And then Ashley’s attack against Nikki, that must have taken some preparation.
RB: The previous attacks were carried out in search of Flitter Pim. Exor knew that Alondra sent Flitter on a mission to save Terestai, but he didn’t know what the mission was. So, he told some of his minions to find Flitter before she was turned from stone and could carry out her quest. (More on how and why she turned to stone will be revealed in the future.) Had he known that Nikki WAS the mission, he would have chosen a different approach.
I was really debating the last panel. My original draft of the page didn’t include it. I usually try to keep the comic sexy but stop short of being explicit, and I wan’t sure if Flitter’s recharging method was crossing that line. So I’m glad that the comments have been favorable. 🙂 Cheers -TK
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Well. This will get interesting. Looking forward to Nikki “recharging” ;D
maybe even with help? 🙂
Lol… so that’s the way to recharge when you’re low on energy. I knew I had to be doing something wrong 😀
I’d hump Nikkis’ leg too!
This is a really REALLY sexy comic.
Lesbian erotica: the key to an amazing new world! 😀
Either Pim is wrong or some else knew – or at least recently learned about it: Her teacher was attacked before she got there. And then Ashley’s attack against Nikki, that must have taken some preparation.
RB: The previous attacks were carried out in search of Flitter Pim. Exor knew that Alondra sent Flitter on a mission to save Terestai, but he didn’t know what the mission was. So, he told some of his minions to find Flitter before she was turned from stone and could carry out her quest. (More on how and why she turned to stone will be revealed in the future.) Had he known that Nikki WAS the mission, he would have chosen a different approach.
I was really debating the last panel. My original draft of the page didn’t include it. I usually try to keep the comic sexy but stop short of being explicit, and I wan’t sure if Flitter’s recharging method was crossing that line. So I’m glad that the comments have been favorable. 🙂 Cheers -TK
Sexy ftw!! 😀
Hey, at least Flitter isn’t one of those faeries from over at Bloomin Faeries…at least I don’t think so…
she can recharge anytime.
Hey, Lunaroki (and anyone else who remembers Ebenezer Splooge): PronQuest is back!
Tee hee. That ass in panel #3. Looks like twin mini babybels 😀
If my hands were where Pim’s are, I’d be getting recharged too!
You did right by that last panel! Recharging never look so sexy!
i wish girls would recharge on me lol
I need some recharging
lesbo lap dance “naked” lol