Again, a visually remarkable page. Very nice. I’m a little concerned that this watchtower like structure appears unmanned. Someone abandoned their post.
Given Leo, and Lun’s 2 choices I’m more inclined towards Lun’s, though given other possibilities, my own guess would be neither of the above, though Talona and Nikki will find clues leading them too our missing Twosome.
I’ll be blunt: you need to keep to your update schedule if you want to keep readers. Skipping one, you can get away with, especially if you have something to use as filler. But going off as routinely as you do makes me less and less interested in coming back.
Its rough for one person with a job and a family to get a comic out every week. I drop by about once a week and take 5 minutes to look at the site. I think hes doing alright.
@Jared, you have to realize this is not his paying job, but his art.
We humans no longer hunt/gather so money is needed to trade for these items.
Also nice to have a roof over one’s head.
If you and TK can work out a way for you to pay him a fair wage, I’m sure none of us would mind a daily webcomic.
I for one love the comic, log in daily (also to vote) and even click on an ad or two.
I also try to kick in a few bucks when I can. Remember, web hosts aren’t charities either.
TK, we love your work and appreciate you sharing your artistic talents and these beautiful stories with the world.
@alchemar- Pretty much any type of movement involves some degree of leaning forward. The characters in panel 2 have a torso posture that says “walking” but a running stride. It just gives the panel a very uncanny valley appearance.
Hope all is goin’ Well, and am eagerlly awaiting a meeting of Ash and Talona and our dear Nikki. As to the schedule, Yah gotta do what yah gotta do for the Grub Stake and the claim, when yah get the chance for the art thats welcome both for TK and for us. Keep on Pluggin bud and I hope the Trip is Fruitfull. 🙂
@MG Scott,
Once a week is fine. It’s just that for whatever reason, he seems to bail every other week. Not that he has any obligation to keep writing at all, but if he skips long enough I’ll eventually just assume he’s forgotten about this story; if he skips often enough I’ll eventually decide it just isn’t worth my time. Either way I’ll stop coming back. Even a little filler would make it better; something to show he hasn’t forgotten about the comic (although that just extends the amount of time before I give up on coming back).
Plus, he does make money from this. Or didn’t you see the ads? He makes money every time there’s a hit on this website, and I get cheesed when I come here, get him paid by his advertisers, and discover that I wasted my time because he has–again–not kept to the schedule he posted. Which, unless he has changed it, is ‘every Friday’.
@Jared Updates are typically Thursday, but as TKD explained on his homepage, he is currently traveling for his 9-5 and therefore doesn’t have access to his home computer.
As for ad revenue, I doubt that is making him wealthy. More likely just helps offset hosting costs and maybe a PC upgrade now and then. Also, most people nowadays (unless they are stuck with Microsoft’s lame browser) have ad-blocking turned on. I do for most sites except a few like this one that I visit regularly and wish to support.
Jarad. So, if the update schedule bothers you so much, just go away and quit bitching here. Most of us are perfectly content with TKD making updates whenever they are ready – rather than sacrificing something else to make them on a fixed schedule – or even worse, stopping the strip completely because he couldn’t meet the desires of a few readers.
By the way, I don’t think there is any ad revenue unless a person clicks on the ad. And, like MGScott, I have ad blocking software, so don’t even see the ads.
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Again, a visually remarkable page. Very nice. I’m a little concerned that this watchtower like structure appears unmanned. Someone abandoned their post.
Either that or Ash has him tied up inside doing sexy things to him. 😉
Given Leo, and Lun’s 2 choices I’m more inclined towards Lun’s, though given other possibilities, my own guess would be neither of the above, though Talona and Nikki will find clues leading them too our missing Twosome.
One thing I’d like to comment on: panel two the characters have very stiff poses. People who are actually running lean forward.
I don’t know, I think if jogging they are about right. Most people can’t run full bore for a long time.
I’ll be blunt: you need to keep to your update schedule if you want to keep readers. Skipping one, you can get away with, especially if you have something to use as filler. But going off as routinely as you do makes me less and less interested in coming back.
Its rough for one person with a job and a family to get a comic out every week. I drop by about once a week and take 5 minutes to look at the site. I think hes doing alright.
@Jared, you have to realize this is not his paying job, but his art.
We humans no longer hunt/gather so money is needed to trade for these items.
Also nice to have a roof over one’s head.
If you and TK can work out a way for you to pay him a fair wage, I’m sure none of us would mind a daily webcomic.
I for one love the comic, log in daily (also to vote) and even click on an ad or two.
I also try to kick in a few bucks when I can. Remember, web hosts aren’t charities either.
TK, we love your work and appreciate you sharing your artistic talents and these beautiful stories with the world.
@alchemar- Pretty much any type of movement involves some degree of leaning forward. The characters in panel 2 have a torso posture that says “walking” but a running stride. It just gives the panel a very uncanny valley appearance.
Hope all is goin’ Well, and am eagerlly awaiting a meeting of Ash and Talona and our dear Nikki. As to the schedule, Yah gotta do what yah gotta do for the Grub Stake and the claim, when yah get the chance for the art thats welcome both for TK and for us. Keep on Pluggin bud and I hope the Trip is Fruitfull. 🙂
No update again this week? Sorry. Goodby.
@MG Scott,
Once a week is fine. It’s just that for whatever reason, he seems to bail every other week. Not that he has any obligation to keep writing at all, but if he skips long enough I’ll eventually just assume he’s forgotten about this story; if he skips often enough I’ll eventually decide it just isn’t worth my time. Either way I’ll stop coming back. Even a little filler would make it better; something to show he hasn’t forgotten about the comic (although that just extends the amount of time before I give up on coming back).
Plus, he does make money from this. Or didn’t you see the ads? He makes money every time there’s a hit on this website, and I get cheesed when I come here, get him paid by his advertisers, and discover that I wasted my time because he has–again–not kept to the schedule he posted. Which, unless he has changed it, is ‘every Friday’.
@Jared Updates are typically Thursday, but as TKD explained on his homepage, he is currently traveling for his 9-5 and therefore doesn’t have access to his home computer.
As for ad revenue, I doubt that is making him wealthy. More likely just helps offset hosting costs and maybe a PC upgrade now and then. Also, most people nowadays (unless they are stuck with Microsoft’s lame browser) have ad-blocking turned on. I do for most sites except a few like this one that I visit regularly and wish to support.
Jarad. So, if the update schedule bothers you so much, just go away and quit bitching here. Most of us are perfectly content with TKD making updates whenever they are ready – rather than sacrificing something else to make them on a fixed schedule – or even worse, stopping the strip completely because he couldn’t meet the desires of a few readers.
By the way, I don’t think there is any ad revenue unless a person clicks on the ad. And, like MGScott, I have ad blocking software, so don’t even see the ads.