I missed you too, Nikki. That outfit is very hot! What’s up with the staff? You look like a tribal priestess or sorceress. But, I’m sure that will all become clear in due time. Meanwhile, skimpy outfits go a long way in making up for the long absence 😉
Speaking of that jerk guard, really hoping something bad happens to him as breaking into a girls’ room without a warrant or justification (specially after said occupant stated she needed to get dressed first) has got to be against the law (even simply the school rules)
The navigation menus DID disappear, and thanks Grey for calling it to my attention. I was using custom navigation buttons rather than the default ones. Unfortunately, something must have happened during one of the upgrades when the site was on autopilot. Fortunately, I was able to fix it 🙂
As my nephew says, ” I’m practicing patience” (In a very stern voice and furrowed brow)!
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So when?
Great look Nikki! Hope to see more of you very soon!!
Good to have you back.
I missed you too, Nikki. That outfit is very hot! What’s up with the staff? You look like a tribal priestess or sorceress. But, I’m sure that will all become clear in due time. Meanwhile, skimpy outfits go a long way in making up for the long absence 😉
On the occasion of your return, did you decided what to do with https://nikkisprite.com/comic/nikki-sprite-webcomic-page-164-breaking-news/ ? I mean, didn’t you originally planed it to be temporary joke?
Thought at first it was another priestess type outfit, but Princess Nikki? Can’t hardly wait to find out more (and the fate of Pita’s bunny socks :D)
Speaking of that jerk guard, really hoping something bad happens to him as breaking into a girls’ room without a warrant or justification (specially after said occupant stated she needed to get dressed first) has got to be against the law (even simply the school rules)
Glad to have you back TK 🙂 The outfit looks great! Looking forward for more!
is it just me, or are the navigation buttons missing?
Our patience has been rewarded.
Glad you’re back TK
Happy new year and I hope 2016 is better than 2015 was.
Nice to see you back with us, TK. Hope everything is going well on the home front.
That new look looks very promising! I mean story-wise (and otherwise, too ;-P) 😀
But no stress 🙂 Knowing that you are well and are planning on continuing the story is a really great relief already…
(This outfit has some… serious cliff-hanger quality… hnnnnng!)
Grey: didn’t see them either the other day, but they are just below the ad above the title of the page
Hope you are going to resolve the confrontation with those two Hovita gals. Why, I can’t even imagine how “BoB” will help the situation.
The navigation menus DID disappear, and thanks Grey for calling it to my attention. I was using custom navigation buttons rather than the default ones. Unfortunately, something must have happened during one of the upgrades when the site was on autopilot. Fortunately, I was able to fix it 🙂
oh good, i thought i was losing it for a minute there. good luck getting them back up, cuz it’s hard to scroll back through the pages without them.
As my nephew says, ” I’m practicing patience” (In a very stern voice and furrowed brow)!