TK did say the Bunny Slippers of Awesomecuteness would be worn again, and not by Pita
Agree with you Kheda: much better a Spriggan wearing them than Kib 😛
Dark Ash looks kinda like her old cute self in the last panel (will we ever get to see a flashback to when she got corrupted? hoping it’s not permanent, or that Dark Ash is not the real Ash)
*ggigggle* Translation: I want to get rid of them! 😀
@Lunaroki – oh indeed! That’s an idea! 🙂
@Guesticus – I’d like to see that, too, plus I’d like to learn more about the interaction between earth & Terestai especially because getting transferred to Terestai seems to be so easy…
And yes, we have 2 * 142… should be easy to correct.
Update me!!! Luv your comic/story. Interesting. You must put lots of work into it. LUV ITT! 🙂
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Sexy evil Ashley
Lol, yeah, definately better than Kib turning up wearing them 😉
Sexy evil Ashley meets Kib. Now THAT would certainly end in hilarity!
TK did say the Bunny Slippers of Awesomecuteness would be worn again, and not by Pita
Agree with you Kheda: much better a Spriggan wearing them than Kib 😛
Dark Ash looks kinda like her old cute self in the last panel (will we ever get to see a flashback to when she got corrupted? hoping it’s not permanent, or that Dark Ash is not the real Ash)
Umm, isn’t this page 142?
*ggigggle* Translation: I want to get rid of them! 😀
@Lunaroki – oh indeed! That’s an idea! 🙂
@Guesticus – I’d like to see that, too, plus I’d like to learn more about the interaction between earth & Terestai especially because getting transferred to Terestai seems to be so easy…
And yes, we have 2 * 142… should be easy to correct.
Page 142. Er, right, I knew that,. 😛
Update me! Love your story. You must put hard work into this! 🙂
Update me!!! Luv your comic/story. Interesting. You must put lots of work into it. LUV ITT! 🙂