Actually, feeling a little more sorry for poor Peta, if she’s extremely lucky, Mr Orc was wearing his undies today, if not… Peta may have to wash her hair in acid (fortunately her hair is already brown)
Wearing glasses (or not wearing them as the case may be) does not make someone blind or oblivious to their surroundings. The fact that Pita lost track of the orc while crawling between its legs makes me think she is an idiot.
@MidRealmDM, it’s a rather obvious use of the old “Velma lost her glasses” joke from Scooby Doo, with an adult twist. Can’t say as I remember Velma ever head butting anyone in the family jewels upon getting up, but then my memory isn’t what it used to be. Still a very funny joke, even if we did see it coming!
and yes the look on the orc’s face IS priceless. in fact that entire frame is priceless! 。゚(TヮT)゚。
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Well, kinda knew that was coming, didn’t we?
“Now what’s this hanging here?” Slaps them around a bit…
*grins* the expression on the orc’s face is priceless 🙂
Actually, feeling a little more sorry for poor Peta, if she’s extremely lucky, Mr Orc was wearing his undies today, if not… Peta may have to wash her hair in acid (fortunately her hair is already brown)
Wearing glasses (or not wearing them as the case may be) does not make someone blind or oblivious to their surroundings. The fact that Pita lost track of the orc while crawling between its legs makes me think she is an idiot.
Uhm … ouch …
@MidRealmDM, it’s a rather obvious use of the old “Velma lost her glasses” joke from Scooby Doo, with an adult twist. Can’t say as I remember Velma ever head butting anyone in the family jewels upon getting up, but then my memory isn’t what it used to be. Still a very funny joke, even if we did see it coming!
Remember kids, an Orc’s weak point is it’s genitals!
wow, Pita takes the phrase “giving head” literally!
Pita has a super fine heinie! Great work as usual! Woot!
Need more incentives!
Head’s up!
I wonder if Pita’s up for some speed bag training?
ouch! that gotta hurt! >_<
and that is why male orcs should wear cast iron armor under their loin cloth to protect their clubs and maces from getting hurt like that. -_-;
and yes the look on the orc’s face IS priceless. in fact that entire frame is priceless! 。゚(TヮT)゚。