Nikki Webcomic Page 145 – Not So Normal Day
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Can u fix this so ur comics really separate
Wonder what that guard wants…
@ Dvfxfx Can you write your question in English and explain what you mean by “really separate”?
Welcome back!
Think they might mean Nikki and Zoey
And welcome back, have missed Pim and her itchy-scratchy clothes
Glad to have you back!
@ Brianna Ort–is @Dvfxfx talking about the two different comics? Nikki Sprite would be one and the Zombie Universe comics the other?
Great to have you back! Have a happy and productive 2014.
Ooh. A new one.
I am SO happy you’re back! The sooner we move the story along, the sooner we can get rid of Nikki’s weird tinfoil-esque wrinkly shirt!
Of course, I’m of the opinion that Nikki need never wear a shirt at all. Maybe that’s just me.
What IS it with that shirt? It looks like Nikki has no boobs. In spite of that, welcome back TK!
Welcome Back! Happy New Year!
It actually looks like Nikki is wearing something dark and sultry underneath that shirt. Probably just my eyes though! 🙂
Welcome back TK! Looking forward to the upcoming site changes and am curious about that members-only section… doesn’t matter how long all of this takes, though.
And yeah, Nikki’s shirt definitely could use some improvements. Looks like either she’s wearing a breastplate/harness underneath it, or there is an alien moving underneath it. 😉
Uh-oh. Usually when “Kojack JR” shows up, it’s never good news for our heroine.
Welcome back TK. Good to see Nikki and friends on the move again.
I am looking forward to the members site and hope it puts s few coins in your pocket.
I feel guilty enjoying the comic for free and would like to give something back.
Maybe there will even be merch? Nikki Sprite coffee mugs and T-Shirts.
No student, from kinder garden to grad school wants to hear those words…