Lovely updates! I missend quite some, hopefully I can stay more up to date in the future.
Also great vote incentive, my kind of thinking if I knew Talona’s task was to attend to all my “needs”.
Ach forget it, my mind is in shambles…. You might be right that it’s Ashley…. I mixed it up with page 111 explaining Talona’s task to lend help where needed.
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Beautiful indeed! Did you foget a “you” in panel 4???
Forget! hah! Tis early.
Yikes! Indeed I did! Thanks for catching it -fixed! -TK
Lovely updates! I missend quite some, hopefully I can stay more up to date in the future.
Also great vote incentive, my kind of thinking if I knew Talona’s task was to attend to all my “needs”.
@Krulle, I believe that’s Ashley. Good to see she recovered from that whole demonic possession thing.
I hear NyQuil is good for that.
I think it’s Talona telling the story how she got to Earthworld to Nikki….
Ach forget it, my mind is in shambles…. You might be right that it’s Ashley…. I mixed it up with page 111 explaining Talona’s task to lend help where needed.