Nikki Webcomic Page 41 – Not That Kind of Girl
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Date rape!! Kib totally has that kinda face, too…
What a slut.
A slut? Yes, I suppose you could call him that. Wait, you mean Nikki? She’s not a slut! She’s a work of art doing what she was born to do!
BTW, i see a “SMOOCH!!” sound effect in Panel 1, and a “GRAB!” sound effect in Panel 5, but no “GROPE!” sound effect in Panel 3? Inconceivable!
I like this side of Nikki! More passion fruit!
One thing that erks me a bit is how RED toned the comic looks… It kinda looks like the original was done in CMYK, and then converted to RGB…. or something… The skin is just so red. Maybe that’s just me.
Nah, going from CMYK to RGB doesn’t change anything. It’s the other way around that dicks with the colors.
Ya know, I always welcome constructive criticism -and you may have a point about the red tones in this comic, Fesworks. So I made a version of this week’s page with slightly less red. And I threw in a sound effect in panel 3 for Lunaroki, just for good measure. So what does everyone think? -less red or doesn’t really matter? The page is posted in the Galley for the time being, or you can click on this link: Page 41 -Less Red
TKD, I hadn’t noticed the redness, but I prefer the revised colour scheme…and the sound effect is great too!
TDK, I think the panel does look a little better, with the red toned down a bit.
I don’t the “sqeeze” needed to be added, though.
I agree with Rick on both counts.
I was really just joking around about the sound effect. It seems a little excessive to add it. The reduced redness, on the other hand, looks much better. You should definitely go with that.
I like the revised colour scheme, but the extra sound effect is kind of distracting.
Less red is good. I don’t care about the sound effect; with or without works for me.
The revised color looks a ton better. I actually like the sound effect added as well because I actually didnt even notice the groping until someone in the comments section pointed it out. The sound effect makes it more visible
@TKD The warmer colors do look much better. I know you’re going for the comic book feel, but I kinda like it better with no “sound effects”. I liked the subtlety of Kib’s move in panel 3 and think that they kinda distract from the art.
Yes, the less red makes the skin look softer, and is overall more appealing. 🙂
I prefer the original “red” version but would vote for something in between the two ideally.
Nikki’s face on the 3rd panel… spot on 😀
@ShinKick TOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
@ShinKick Totally.
Ah, fuck Kib. Wait! No! No- That’s not what I meant! DAMMIT NIKKI