I like the whole bit where you’re keeping us guessing as to whether Nikki’s actually naked or not. Every glimpse we get suggests she just might be naked, yet we don’t see quite enough to be sure. Love the angles in some of these shots too. 🙂
Well, Lunaroki, if I know TDK, we’re not going to see one way or another. Nikki nudity seems to be some sort of no-no. I guess you’ve gotta be an elf or pixie or slutty human to get well and truly exposed.
Sorry everyone. Running a tad behind this week, so I’ll try to get page 185 posted by late Thursday. If not, it will be on the weekend. Oh, and about showing Nikki in the buff: Unlike her liberated roommate or the uninhibited residents of Terestai, Nikki is somewhat of a repressed bookworm. Circumstances beyond her control have directed a great deal of sensual attention in her direction, but all she really wants is to study and maintain her 4.0 grade average. So the lack of nudity is a reflection of Nikki’s personality. When she finally allows someone to ignite her passion, we will see more of her 🙂 -TK
Well I got back late yesterday so the new page will go up over the weekend. Sorry.
Foosh is the next step for my online comics. I don’t have a concrete time frame for it. But the company I work for was recently purchased, so the future is cloudy, and if I end up returning to my roots as a full-time freelance 3D animator, I’ll be able to carve a greater portion of my week to doing what I enjoy so much -more comic work 🙂 Cheers -TK
They would be insane to let you go, but I definitely won’t say no to more comic 😉
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I like the whole bit where you’re keeping us guessing as to whether Nikki’s actually naked or not. Every glimpse we get suggests she just might be naked, yet we don’t see quite enough to be sure. Love the angles in some of these shots too. 🙂
Well, Lunaroki, if I know TDK, we’re not going to see one way or another. Nikki nudity seems to be some sort of no-no. I guess you’ve gotta be an elf or pixie or slutty human to get well and truly exposed.
Pita the orc nut abuser you mean. I don’t care if he is a fat bastard orc, you just don’t give a guy a shot in the pills. It’s just not cricket baby.
Queen of Terestai indeed. Those bunny slippers are certainly a recurring theme. Me wonders why?
Sorry everyone. Running a tad behind this week, so I’ll try to get page 185 posted by late Thursday. If not, it will be on the weekend. Oh, and about showing Nikki in the buff: Unlike her liberated roommate or the uninhibited residents of Terestai, Nikki is somewhat of a repressed bookworm. Circumstances beyond her control have directed a great deal of sensual attention in her direction, but all she really wants is to study and maintain her 4.0 grade average. So the lack of nudity is a reflection of Nikki’s personality. When she finally allows someone to ignite her passion, we will see more of her 🙂 -TK
Thank you Tk, for both bits of information
Foosh Comics? Is that your new website, TK? It’s looking good!
… I’m especially looking forward to that “Coming soon to a crowd funding site near you!” part 😉
Well I got back late yesterday so the new page will go up over the weekend. Sorry.
Foosh is the next step for my online comics. I don’t have a concrete time frame for it. But the company I work for was recently purchased, so the future is cloudy, and if I end up returning to my roots as a full-time freelance 3D animator, I’ll be able to carve a greater portion of my week to doing what I enjoy so much -more comic work 🙂 Cheers -TK
They would be insane to let you go, but I definitely won’t say no to more comic 😉