Nikki Sprite Webcomic Page 175 – Too Strong
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In panel 4 talonas face looks so innocently sensual, I LOVE IT!! I cant wait for more. I love u tk, keep up the magnificent work.
Magnificent work indeed! It seems like when you’re stressed and busy you create even better work! Amazing and thanks!
Bi: do you mean panel 3?
Hoping this beastie can be de-stoned, it would make a good pet
Yep, love her face in panel three, good job 🙂
Wow, that was well worth the wait.
I’m still not caught up with work in the real world 😛 Looks like page 176 will be another weekend post. Sorry -TK
Thank you letting us know we will have to wait a little longer to see the return of Pita 😀
You missed the weekend deadline :(.
It’s a three day weekend.
Sorry but it turned out not to be a 3 day weekend for me. I ended up doing 17 animations so far this weekend, all of which are in HD 3D which means they must be rendered twice (for each lens of the 3D glasses). Sooo, I’m still running behind. Hoping to be able to finish page 176 today but so far it isn’t looking good. 🙁 -TK
Take your time. We’ll be here.
Sometimes real life gets in the way of the things we’d like to do… but real life is almost always more important. Don’t worry, and don’t hurry. We can wait. I know it’ll be worth it 😉
will we get a 2 page double pannel?
Relax, Mike. He’s behind because he’s busy. Don’t get greedy and apply more pressure.
i wasn’t being greedy.. more like sarcastic because she mentioned 2x rendering for the 3d glasses..
“She” mentioned?
I’m guessing something went horribly wrong at this point, it’s been way too long.
Sorry for the delay. I’m working on a show that has consumed my free time and sapped my creative juices. My work as to be complete by next week, so Nikki will resume by then if not sooner. Again, sorry for the mini hiatus 🙁 -TK
As they say, you can’t rush art. If you do then you’re more likely to fail. Don’t you think ?
All that matters is that you finish it when you are ready. Take your time TK and try not to burn yourself out 🙂
The priorities of life are often cumbersome, but we do what must be done. Don’t worry TK. We’ll wait.
Life gets in the way. Thanks for keeping us informed. Looking forward to the next installment in the continuing adventures of our favorite super-heroine!
Isn’t Nikki just a normal schoolgirl with a little faerie magic?
what the fuck r u doing?
Rouge de Noir, no need to be rude and cuss like that. The person that does this strip has a JOB… just because they are behind at the moment don’t mean you have to be an ASS about it !!
I agree with Random!!! You take all the time you need TK!!!! We will still be here, loyally checking for updates <3
Love ya!!!
Take all of the time that you need!!
Please let us know about the show you are working on, when you are able to that is
Hey TK take ur time… we will be wailing for ur bext update… bt plz tell atleast us d expected time… of ur next update….. waiting fir more adventure n thrill….