Nikki Sprite Webcomic Page 163 – Abracadabra
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I was excited about this page, but it didn’t progress by much, only 10 seconds… Now I can’t wait for the next one… Something needs to speed up, either the amount of pages per week or the amount of content per page.
even i think d same
A lot can happen in just 10 seconds, skipping huge chunks of time just to ‘keep the action going’ is shit writing, and shittier attitude of readers
Slomo, hah, yeah, tantalize us!
Wow. Can’t wait for the next one they keep getting better. Everyone’s so anxious. :p
Wow. Can’t wait for the next one they keep getting better. Everyone’s so anxious. :p
Guesticus, I respectfully disagree. “Shit writing” is drawing out each minute and second of an action’s timespan for no intended purpose. In suspense stories, thrillers, action films, etc. they can do this SELECTIVELY to heighten tension. But to do so over the course of an entire narrative – that is shit writing (which is an exaggeration, and not what I would say that TKD is guilty of).
Imagine a different beginning of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where we see Indy roll out of bed, scratch his ass, brush his teeth, pull on his pants, look for his socks, make some toast, eat it, find his hat, load his gun, and on and on and on – BEFORE he heads out into the jungles of Peru to find the idol.
Pacing is a vital part of any story; attention to where it lags is also an essential part of the storyteller’s process. Moving a story forward, building momentum, does, often, mean jumping ahead to the “good parts.”
But, all that said, if you’re happy with another month’s worth of updates of Nikki and Flitter hiding in the bathroom, repeating information we have already been given, then great! Isn’t it wonderful that we can all express our opinions here?
“Imagine a different beginning of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where we see Indy roll out of bed, scratch his ass, brush his teeth, pull on his pants, look for his socks, make some toast, eat it, find his hat, load his gun, and on and on and on – BEFORE he heads out into the jungles of Peru to find the idol.”
Actually, that reminds me of the beginning of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy text based console game. It works for me.
ZZZIIIPP! has always been one of my favorites! It takes me to another universe too!
Pacing is important in story-telling, and sometimes you have to slow it down to build dramatic tension. Sure, right now the action is slowed down while the characters talk things out. Nikki is having issues accepting what she has to do because it’s all tangled up with other issues in her mind. She’s a bit conservative, maybe even uptight, and doing the kind of things that seem to keep happening around faeries is not what she wants to be doing. On the other hand, Security Guard is coming for them and getting her skirt off so that Flitter can get at her nether regions is is their only hope of getting out of this without someone getting hurt. So Nikki is kind of railroaded into doing this. Doesn’t mean she won’t drag her feet about it. It’s kind of a turning point for her, or the beginning of one at least, and people don’t generally leap at those.
Now we all know what’s going to happen here. Or do we? We all know what is being hinted should happen. Nikki drops her skirt and then they either charge up or poof over to Terestai. Maybe both. But what if we’re wrong? What if Security Guard takes Stacey hostage, or busts in before they can escape and grabs one of them? What if Nikki takes too long and Flitter passes out before they can get away? Anything could happen here! This is a scene full of dramatic tension, and rushing it would ruin that.
It may feel slow-paced to some people. To me the pacing feels right on. I’m patient for the payoff, because I’m enjoying the story and the way the characters are each trying to steer things their own way. I wanna see Flitter make magic with Nikki’s lady parts too, but at the expense of rushing the story. This is anything but Indie rolling out of bed, scratching his butt and making toast.
If I were to criticize anything on this page it would be that maybe Nikki seems to be taking things a bit too calmly for the circumstances. She doesn’t really look like she’s concerned about possibly being kidnapped or worse if Security Guard catches her and Flitter there. Of course, that does seem to be the way Nikki approaches everything, but it still feels a little odd. Do you suppose maybe she’s still operating in “This can’t possibly be real” mode?
* but NOT at the expense of rushing the story.
Lunaroki, I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. I am too.
But I wasn’t speaking of the pacing of this individual page, but of something (IMHO) endemic of the comic as a whole.
The information we’ve been given (the plot) over the last TEN MONTHS doesn’t seem to justify that amount of “screen time.” I don’t pretend to know what TK has in store next, but I do think we’ve been well-inundated with the information that Nikki’s “nectar” makes people want her, that she is uncomfortable getting physical with, basically, anybody, that Flitter wants to take Nikki to Terestai, and that baddies from Terestai want to mess her up.
I don’t want TK to rush, I merely wish he would get the comic out of first gear. I don’t know how long any of the other commenters here have been following the comic, but I have been here (reading, at least) since 2009. Forgive me if I sound impatient, but I would have thought we’d be a little further along by now.
And, with that, I’ll shut up. I stated my opinion as well as I could. I really don’t want to be the sole voice of criticism here, nor do I want to dump any more negativity on TK’s head. I love the comic, I care about the comic (which should be apparent), and I’ll keep looking forward to what happens next.
Didn’t TKD take a couple months off recently?
You can click back through the months on the calendar in the left hand panel to see what dates have seen a new addition.