Nikki Sprite Webcomic Page 158 – Not Helping
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So, just curious. Is a side effect of the ‘recharging’ that the person on the giving end gets transported to Terestai?
So far it seems like that only happens when someone comes into physical contact with Nikki’s butterfly tattoo. If they can avoid that, they should be able to keep anyone from crossing over unintentionally.
Doesn’t look/sound like Nikki is protesting too much 😀
So, 3-way? Or is Flitter going to wait until Stacey tires Nikki out before she ‘mingles’?
Time to mingle vociferously and recharge like Banshees!
Yup. Time to mingle each other’s brains out.
Lunaroki’s comment made me re-read the whole comic to check… Hmm… That about the tattoo seems to be true. Good observation! But none of them knows it.
There is something else to it: Nikki was just “dreaming” (and she even knew it or she thought she was), her body stayed on earth while she “was” in Terestai – but Ashley and Pita physically vanished from earth, which probably means that they are in greater danger than Nikki was. (By the way, I’m still interested in how Ashley got bewitched into the demonic one she is now…)
I can’t pinpoint it but something seems… curious… about the transferring mechanisms.
– After getting fetched to Terestai once (in a dream), Nikki can willfully get there on her own. (I managed to willfully continue a dream only very few times in my life, maybe 3 times)
– Flitter needed a special spell to come to earth (in physical form!) and needed passion energy to become fully alive – well, she’s a Fey, so there may be special difficulties in place.
– Nikki’s magical stinging fingers can force someone from Terestai back to it, this applies to the creepy guy.
– It also forced Ashley to go “back” to Terestai, against Nikki’s intent. Again, a special case because Ashley is under a spell. But the bald guard was under a spell, too, and he just got knocked down… There are some further differences so the special case still applies.
– Touching Nikki’s tattoo in passion seems to have caused Ashley and Pita to get transferred to Terestai – physically! – and Pita seemed to appear in Nikki’s place – this is the weirdest thing to me, as Nikki was not physically in Terestai, she was “dreaming”.
My conclusion so far: This tattoo has a lot of power! At least as much as the Elvin Rock on Terestai, maybe much more. Nikki didn’t know it in the beginning, so where did it come from? I can even imagine that it has something to do with Nikki being the key, therefore I guess that the origin of this tattoo is revealed much later in the story 🙂
Nikki didn’t have enough power to “zap” the bald guy (guard) back to Terestai, Flitter said that it takes a LOT more power for people under Exor’s spell.
Oh, almost forgot, both Flitter and Nikki zapped Ashley back to Terestai, Flitter had more power before she “resized”.
Ashley is now of Terestai, bald prat is just controlled by a Terestaian
Love it but just again now i have to wait loads to see what happens
What’s the problem, Nikki? Be happy Stacey wants to make love to you 🙂
Why can’t Nikki just go along with it…. I mean at least once Stacey wants her so bad, and apparently Flitter needs to recharge and mingle…. 🙂
Why can’t Nikki just go along with it…. I mean at least once Stacey wants her so bad, and apparently Flitter needs to recharge and mingle…. :)….. And wheres the other girls???
😉 😀
Side bet Stacey and Flitter will be doing the mingling …