Nikki Sprite Webcomic Page 155 – Evening The Odds
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Made my Thursday post deadline with 73 minutes to spare! Enjoy 🙂 TK
Yep perfect time to go.
Creepy Guy with red eyes coming. ” Oh Shit!”
I would’ve ran in the first place. 😀
Oh and nice Timing.
That creepy guy is much less tough than he looks. And the now red-eyed guard is probably not immune against Nikki’s magic.
Girls, you should fight! One knee to the chin of the creepy guy now, and the odds are odd again 😀
Great page!
Hey, lots of sfx *POW*PONK*SKRUNK*!
“Skrunk” is my new favorite sound effect. Nice one.
“SKRUNK!” should have been the sound effect for the knee to the pinecones 😀
Hmmm, didn’t notice the red-eyes at first, so does that mean the annoying guard is now possessed? `Ox didn’t need to do that: Annoying Guard has been waiting for an opportunity to get his hands on Nikki for some time
New plan: Run.
It’s hard to miss Bill Cowher’s chin with a “PONK”, but now hes got Kojak on his side too! Great work TKD! You may have been rushed, but it doesn’t show!
Do NOT run. Kick the es aich 1 tee out of them. Do the one on his knees first. Running is what happens in the movies, and it just gives the protagonists time to recover.
well it was either that or the crocked cop was knocked out, dead, or went to raid a donut shop
BatPita looks like she got in to a fight (not serious as no blood or scratches)
Kicks in a fight? yeah, you’ll have to be in a double-team to pull that off. Usually they’re not fast enough against someone with upper-body strength.