I think the man in black is a vampire. if you go back to the pages where the man in black first appeared, pay CLOSE ATTENTION ears. if you notice how he glared at nikki in the library, you will notice that in the frame with him glaring, his eyes are, in a matter of speaking, highlighted while out side of his eyes (including his eyebrows) are nothing but darkness. compare that frame with a picture of Dracula(played by Bela Lugosi) staring at during the original production of Dracula (1931)
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I think the man in black is a vampire. if you go back to the pages where the man in black first appeared, pay CLOSE ATTENTION ears. if you notice how he glared at nikki in the library, you will notice that in the frame with him glaring, his eyes are, in a matter of speaking, highlighted while out side of his eyes (including his eyebrows) are nothing but darkness. compare that frame with a picture of Dracula(played by Bela Lugosi) staring at during the original production of Dracula (1931)