FELLED : DEF. b. To kill: was felled by an assassin’s bullet. WELL SOMEONE has EGG on their face, as the word was used correctly. 😉 heeheeheeh SMILE TK, all good. 😉
Agreed -I need to expand the cast page. I’ll add that to my list!
I’m not sure what lies ahead for Zoey. I’d like to spin Zoey off into her own comic, or a separate section in this one, but at the moment don’t have the design bandwidth to be able to produce two comic pages a week. 🙁 I’m currently working a sizeable freelance animation project (on top of my regular day job). When it wraps up, I’ll be able to dedicate the time and focus to Nikki and Zoey that they -and all of you- deserve. -TK
Yeah, this is evil Ashley. She was transported to Terestai when she kissed Nikki’s tattoo, same as Pita was. Only Ashley got captured and turned evil by Exor.
Thank you for the reminder clickies Kheda, missed it the first time, but Dark Ash returned to the ‘real’ world with her Faerie clothes
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Just a note: You want to use the word “felled” instead of “fallen” in the first frame. 🙂
Felled, or slain, but seeing as it was done with a ruddy great axe, felled works better 🙂
And yay! Ashley 🙂
Oops!! Thanks for the correction -I made the change 🙂 -TK
FELLED : DEF. b. To kill: was felled by an assassin’s bullet. WELL SOMEONE has EGG on their face, as the word was used correctly. 😉 heeheeheeh SMILE TK, all good. 😉
OOPS was fixed, thought… still FALLEN is not completely incorrect. (BLUSHES!!!)
He definitely fell alright, straight onto his own axe. ^,^
TK are you going to do a page for zoey?
great comic
Need to start putting a castlist for the pages, not all of us can remember the names of all the minor characters 🙁
Agreed -I need to expand the cast page. I’ll add that to my list!
I’m not sure what lies ahead for Zoey. I’d like to spin Zoey off into her own comic, or a separate section in this one, but at the moment don’t have the design bandwidth to be able to produce two comic pages a week. 🙁 I’m currently working a sizeable freelance animation project (on top of my regular day job). When it wraps up, I’ll be able to dedicate the time and focus to Nikki and Zoey that they -and all of you- deserve. -TK
Not just expand the cast page, but was just thinking of adding the characters to the Tags
Is this the same Ashley Anderson that is trying to get into Nikki’s panties? When did she get turned into an evil Elf working for Wes Studdi?
Yeah, this is evil Ashley. She was transported to Terestai when she kissed Nikki’s tattoo, same as Pita was. Only Ashley got captured and turned evil by Exor.
Hmmm, will have to go back through the archives, can’t remember that
More action maybe??? if you know what I mean
Holy G-string Ashley! That’s one of the hottest outfits I’ve ever seen!
@Guesticus it happens here:
Sadly we don’t get to see the ‘turning’, but the Ash returned arc starts here:
Thank you for the reminder clickies Kheda, missed it the first time, but Dark Ash returned to the ‘real’ world with her Faerie clothes