I dont want to sound like an ass but it feels strange that she is lifting the knife with her right hand
and then when she’s charging at nikki the knife is suddenly in her left hand.
Maybe its just me… but to me it looks strange.
Anne and Bob, you’re right. I made the original image with Talona looking to the left, but when I put the panels together I didn’t like the composition so I flipped the image. I wondered if anyone would notice -obviously it stands out, so I’ll see what I can do to fix it over the weekend.
So I assume by the blade that the exclamation point does not mean that she’s a quest giver. I wonder, was it the pheromones or the fact that she asked for Kib that set Talona off?
My call is that Kib and Tanlona are on very different sides of the conflict. As always a great job TKD, both on this one and on the filler page from last week.
Great stuff ! The plot thickens, as they say. I look forward to seeing what happens next. Whatever it is, will be interesting. Also, terrific artwork as always. Thanks TK
Just started reading this comic today. Great art work, though details are inconsistent. Just to pick a nit, she is clearly not trained in bladework. If she were, the blade in her hand would be point UP, not down.
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Nice way to introduce yourself 🙂 He-loo Talona.
I dont want to sound like an ass but it feels strange that she is lifting the knife with her right hand
and then when she’s charging at nikki the knife is suddenly in her left hand.
Maybe its just me… but to me it looks strange.
Nice work on the outfit btw
She doesn’t switch hands, her entire body is mirrored. Look at her costume in the last two panels…
Anne and Bob, you’re right. I made the original image with Talona looking to the left, but when I put the panels together I didn’t like the composition so I flipped the image. I wondered if anyone would notice -obviously it stands out, so I’ll see what I can do to fix it over the weekend.
So I assume by the blade that the exclamation point does not mean that she’s a quest giver. I wonder, was it the pheromones or the fact that she asked for Kib that set Talona off?
My call is that Kib and Tanlona are on very different sides of the conflict. As always a great job TKD, both on this one and on the filler page from last week.
Great stuff ! The plot thickens, as they say. I look forward to seeing what happens next. Whatever it is, will be interesting. Also, terrific artwork as always. Thanks TK
A shame really. They seemed to be getting on so well a few days ago…
https://nikkisprite.com/?p=735 🙂
Leonard: She just gave herself a quest to kill Nikki.
Clearly someone is going to get the “point” here….
“Another sexy woman? And she wants Kib??? Nooo. There can be only one!”
Yes, either she’s Kib’s partner and hates competition, or she and Kib are enemies.
Interesting though…the dagger sheath moves from one side of the elf’s body to the other seemingly at random…
Re the moving dagger sheath: she’s a magical creature in a dream world – totally justifiable.
Seems to be a little continuity problem.
Just started reading this comic today. Great art work, though details are inconsistent. Just to pick a nit, she is clearly not trained in bladework. If she were, the blade in her hand would be point UP, not down.