I’m impressed. The longest static electricity spark I’ve ever managed was about 1/2 an inch. (Of course, Nikki looks better in a bikini than I would, too … )
*lol* never even noticed that. Nice catch, Val.
Tim, I do hope that, when you can find a little bit of spare time, we will get back the original background on the last frame… I definitely preferred that to the dots pattern.
I was thinking the same thing as ozzimandius. You may want to have the cop’s electrical gear shorting. I got hit with an arc once while setting tile in my kitchen (a wire had touched the wet grout, and when my wet sponge did as well, ZAP). Blew me 3 feet back into the fridge, and fried both the iPod and pager I’d had hanging from my belt.
Although, it’s possible that it being Fae energy it will knock the socks off of an organic being, and have absolutlly no effect on things non-organic…. Just a thought that occured, while driving to Son # 2’s Football game yesterday.
I love the way the story, and characters, are developing and look forward to seeing more sparks flying in the future 🙂
Anyway, that R.a.C pretty much got what he deserved, tho’ I suspect that we have not seen the last of him yet.
… and then the Chaotic Mischief God and Mr Murphy Who Is His Prophet come along and give her bug-zapper powers. Uh-oh.
If Nikki gets deported, can she come down and visit me in Oz? She’d be a life-saver against the mosquitoes over here. Yeeeessss, that’s all I’d like her over here for. Really it is ;p
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When SHE gives someone the FINGER, she has a real BLAST!
Holy Crap indeed. But how is she going to explain to that cop that she assaulted him by accident? He already doesn’t have too high an opinion of her…
On a sidenote, his face has improved a lot since the previous page… he looks a lot more human and a lot less creepy.
I’m impressed. The longest static electricity spark I’ve ever managed was about 1/2 an inch. (Of course, Nikki looks better in a bikini than I would, too … )
“I shot the sheriff!”
Shoots with her left hand finger, then looks at her right hand finger?
Erm… Reverse that. Shoots with right hand, then looks at left hand.
Oops -thanks for pointing that out Val! In my rush to finish the page I completely overlooked that! If you refresh, you’ll see the changed pic. -TK
*lol* never even noticed that. Nice catch, Val.
Tim, I do hope that, when you can find a little bit of spare time, we will get back the original background on the last frame… I definitely preferred that to the dots pattern.
That Finger could be a real Trouble if she were to get upset while typeing a term paper or the like….. Ooops I fried another Laptop.
I was thinking the same thing as ozzimandius. You may want to have the cop’s electrical gear shorting. I got hit with an arc once while setting tile in my kitchen (a wire had touched the wet grout, and when my wet sponge did as well, ZAP). Blew me 3 feet back into the fridge, and fried both the iPod and pager I’d had hanging from my belt.
Although, it’s possible that it being Fae energy it will knock the socks off of an organic being, and have absolutlly no effect on things non-organic…. Just a thought that occured, while driving to Son # 2’s Football game yesterday.
I love the way the story, and characters, are developing and look forward to seeing more sparks flying in the future 🙂
Anyway, that R.a.C pretty much got what he deserved, tho’ I suspect that we have not seen the last of him yet.
Thanks TK.
Best wishes.
Wouldn’t hurt a fly…
… and then the Chaotic Mischief God and Mr Murphy Who Is His Prophet come along and give her bug-zapper powers. Uh-oh.
If Nikki gets deported, can she come down and visit me in Oz? She’d be a life-saver against the mosquitoes over here. Yeeeessss, that’s all I’d like her over here for. Really it is ;p