Foreshadowing the way in which the worlds collide–very nicely done.
Grammar point: it reads better as “person whose charm”–peoples is plural, who’s is short for who is, and doesn’t match the rest of the phrase.
I’d give Alondra my ” silver bough” anytime. Telling faces in the final panel. Very nice!
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Uh, oh.
Foreshadowing the way in which the worlds collide–very nicely done.
Grammar point: it reads better as “person whose charm”–peoples is plural, who’s is short for who is, and doesn’t match the rest of the phrase.
Typical Male… all WAR, and no true love. sigh… =(
Oops- thanks for pointing out my mistake Karyl. Fixed!
I’d give Alondra my ” silver bough” anytime. Telling faces in the final panel. Very nice!