What Cyrofell said! Nikki is a pirate who can take me captive any time she wants. That is one really great outfit. (I’ve heard it said that less is more.)
Oh yeah… and happy anniversary too. And many more, I’m sure.
Not touching WhattaMaroon’s comment with a 10 foot barge pole 😉
Wait… timber… pole… ARGH!!!
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Pirate Nikki = WIN!
What Cyrofell said! Nikki is a pirate who can take me captive any time she wants. That is one really great outfit. (I’ve heard it said that less is more.)
Oh yeah… and happy anniversary too. And many more, I’m sure.
Congrats! Keep on that awesome work!
Great! Happy Hallowversary! Or was it Anniween? Uh… whatever. Keep the great work!
It’s Nikki’s anniversary and she gives *us* a present!
Awesome TK, here’s hoping for many more to come.
Consider my timbers officially shivered.
Happy anniversary, Tim. I hope many more will follow 😉
Not touching WhattaMaroon’s comment with a 10 foot barge pole 😉
Wait… timber… pole… ARGH!!!