Wow! Trying to train Nikki must have some beneficial effects on Pita, too 😀 And now switch it on, Pita, quick!
That might really work – or at least distract him until Talona (who hopefully landed safely) can do something, er, more final.
(And just because of the last page: This one is fine. :D)
That’s going to be hard to explain to the other orcs in the Valhalla or wherever it is that orcs go when they die in battle.
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That’s one way to do it!
Orc . o O ( hmm, tastes like … strawberries )
Love those bunny slippers!
Wow! Trying to train Nikki must have some beneficial effects on Pita, too 😀 And now switch it on, Pita, quick!
That might really work – or at least distract him until Talona (who hopefully landed safely) can do something, er, more final.
(And just because of the last page: This one is fine. :D)
More final? I”m pretty sure that BOB is a choking hazard!
Ha, brain frees ermm brain f.. I mean.. 😉
Maybe that Orc isn’t a orc but a magic twisted elf or so, turned back by pure passion
But I wonder how Kib will come out of the hut, or rather what he be covered in.
The look on the Orc’s face is just priceless… 🙂
Bob intha FACE!
Even whilst choking Orc Pitas’ nipples are amazing!
Perkiness is next to godliness!
I need more I love it
That’s going to be hard to explain to the other orcs in the Valhalla or wherever it is that orcs go when they die in battle.