Wow, what a waste of an 100th post. Here’s to the new century! And here’s to the thought/possibility of TK’s return to the world of Nikki Sprite! Can I get an amen?
I can’t get over all the passive aggressive comments! Look if he feels like updating it he will, if he doesn’t he won’t. Cajoling him (oh please we’re all sooo worried, maybe I should call him… blah blah blah!), or threatening him (I turn my ad blocker on when I come to this site so you won’t get revenue.. blah blah!) Why can’t we just admit one thing, this is/was a great on line comic and we check in to see if its been revitalized because we miss it, and thats about it. Most of you are trying to affect his decision one way or another. Live your lives people, check for updates or don’t, but please enough of the usless drival. My two cents.
To me it is not the lack of updates that is upsetting it is instead alack of info as to the status of the comic. Would it be too much to ask for a short note as to his intentions.
it is not about updates, or comic status, it is about TK´s good being and health, may he pursuing more productive / inspirating goals, we sure will want even to get a clue, but it is HIS life, and we only can wish for the best -present and future- and be gratefull for what he had given to date. THANKS !! TK be well !!
Tim’s posted his first new image on deviantArt in months, with the following comment: “Well.. it’s been ages since I’ve had any time to touch Poser. I owe a big apology to all of the Nikki followers. I simply had to take a cold-turkey break -too much work, and no time for the things I love and enjoy. (I’m hoping to resume Nikki sometime over the holidays.) -TK”
So no time to jump on and post a quick message (literally takes about ten minutes — and that’s with dial-up), but plenty of time to get back to work during the busiest weeks of the year. Gotcha.
@Anonymous… If that is indeed your real name :-), TK is an artist and Nikki is his baby.
Maybe it’s just too painful to look at it in its current state. Plus, maybe in his line of work, the holidays aren’t busy.
@nikki7… I am happy and relieved that he is okay. Thanks for sharing this news.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a link to TK’s deviantArt page? I’d like to check it out. And it would have been nice if he’d checked in and let us know this strip was going on hiatus for a while…
There is still hope… On deviantart Tim said “I’m hoping to resume Nikki sometime over the holidays”, which could mean a new Nikki page early next year…
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Wow, what a waste of an 100th post. Here’s to the new century! And here’s to the thought/possibility of TK’s return to the world of Nikki Sprite! Can I get an amen?
A-Men, Brother, A-Men !!!!
@Whattamaroon the first 100 comments aren’t wasted/gone… you can still access them through the “Previous Comments” link at the bottom of this page
Or maybe he’s making money off of the constant pageviews from us checking back to see if he’s updated o.O
Always a possibility
Unlikely. Hosting is so expensive, that the few remaining ones here do not generate enough ad-revenue to cover the hosting.
plus, some of us surely have ad-blockers. I deactivate mine for active comics, but when checking inactive ones, I switch it on. So….
I can’t get over all the passive aggressive comments! Look if he feels like updating it he will, if he doesn’t he won’t. Cajoling him (oh please we’re all sooo worried, maybe I should call him… blah blah blah!), or threatening him (I turn my ad blocker on when I come to this site so you won’t get revenue.. blah blah!) Why can’t we just admit one thing, this is/was a great on line comic and we check in to see if its been revitalized because we miss it, and thats about it. Most of you are trying to affect his decision one way or another. Live your lives people, check for updates or don’t, but please enough of the usless drival. My two cents.
To me it is not the lack of updates that is upsetting it is instead alack of info as to the status of the comic. Would it be too much to ask for a short note as to his intentions.
it is not about updates, or comic status, it is about TK´s good being and health, may he pursuing more productive / inspirating goals, we sure will want even to get a clue, but it is HIS life, and we only can wish for the best -present and future- and be gratefull for what he had given to date. THANKS !! TK be well !!
I’m with karl on this one!
Tim’s posted his first new image on deviantArt in months, with the following comment: “Well.. it’s been ages since I’ve had any time to touch Poser. I owe a big apology to all of the Nikki followers. I simply had to take a cold-turkey break -too much work, and no time for the things I love and enjoy. (I’m hoping to resume Nikki sometime over the holidays.) -TK”
So no time to jump on and post a quick message (literally takes about ten minutes — and that’s with dial-up), but plenty of time to get back to work during the busiest weeks of the year. Gotcha.
Thanks Nikki7 – appreciate the update (and thanks Tim!). Updates are highly anticipated, but I’m patient!
@Anonymous… If that is indeed your real name :-), TK is an artist and Nikki is his baby.
Maybe it’s just too painful to look at it in its current state. Plus, maybe in his line of work, the holidays aren’t busy.
@nikki7… I am happy and relieved that he is okay. Thanks for sharing this news.
Much apreciated Nikki7 and as always Our Best to TK
TY, Nikki
OK, why not tell the nikki fans
Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a link to TK’s deviantArt page? I’d like to check it out. And it would have been nice if he’d checked in and let us know this strip was going on hiatus for a while…
almost 6 months silence now… bummer.
sigh… i guess Nikki has gone the way of many other past webcomix. thus into the DEAD pile. =(
There is still hope… On deviantart Tim said “I’m hoping to resume Nikki sometime over the holidays”, which could mean a new Nikki page early next year…
or…TODAY! W00t!
Yay! a sign of life!!
Cool pic