There’s distracting, and there’s getting distracted. Looks like Pita needs a crash course in grammar. 😉
Or maybe she plans to scare off the baddie with her libido,,,
erm the bob looks scary enough anyway. Sure hitting someone with it would be enough!
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Not sure how effective BoB is going to be against a creepo though. Unless Pita uses herself as the distraction, i guess…
There’s distracting, and there’s getting distracted. Looks like Pita needs a crash course in grammar. 😉
Or maybe she plans to scare off the baddie with her libido,,,
Maybe she’s Orgasm Lass in her secret identity? (See Phil Foglio’s “Xxxenophille” series)
Villainous Vibrator: You ripped my suit? How?
O-lass: Hysterical Strength is just one of my “O” powers…
I guess Pita won’t resist the temptation… I mean, they must go all 3 in Terestai…
erm the bob looks scary enough anyway. Sure hitting someone with it would be enough!