Nikki Sprite is so awesome reading it, just wish they would be posted alot quicker than waiting so long to read one.
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KIB: I’ll protect you from anything that does not see you. great stuff
He’s making sure it doesn’t attack her from behind!
More likely, “I’ll protect you…” as long as you’re nude, in some safe place. PFFFT… our “hero”. NOT! LOL
I love Talona’s face expression in the last panel!
Clearly Talona secretly wants some human booty 😛
Pita headlights always aglow! Great art always happens here.
I love how one minute hes all ” im a manly hero”then in the next he might as well be screamin for his mommy
Nikki Sprite is so awesome reading it, just wish they would be posted alot quicker than waiting so long to read one.