Nikki Webcomic Page 140 – Achievement Unlocked
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Wow!! Love it!
It’s beautifully drawn and funny at the same time!!
Great job!
This is a great page, love the “achievement unlocked” in panel 4 😀
Nice! Great work.
LOL, nice 🙂
Loving the new clothes
Umm, what caused Pita to be distracted? Was it Talona’s turn for a bath? Can we see?
Oh, wonder where BoB is going to land
Verrry nice!!
@ Guesticus
We’ve seen that Pita is blind without her glasses. When a prescription is that strong it’s often like tunnel vision, narrowing your field of view so you have little peripheral vision. (I know this from experience.) She might not have been distracted by anything, just looking the wrong way. =)
hahah! Very well done! Go, Pita! But look out for trees! They’re dangerous and jump in your way when you least expect it!
A few thoughts about Pita bonking the tree… There’s no need for needing glasses to perform such a stunt. When I was a kid, once I was walking downtown with my parents on a foggy day. For some reason I don’t remember I was not paying attention to my surroundings, merely lost in thoughts, or maybe I was not fully awake yet. It was very quiet, no people except my parents, no cars, no birds… But a lamp post that I noticed only when I hit it full frontal! (No harm done, I was not moving fast. But after that I was awake!)
Another one happened a few years ago. I just finished packing up some copied papers from a counter in a small copy shop, moving half a step back while turning around to make it a forward step – and then the f’ing pole that was right behind me hit my square on the forehead!! Since I was in the middle of a step and in the middle of a turn which added a little speed and force, I got a badly bleeding cut on the forehead that I got fixed up by a doctor. This second one was much more unpleasant and I felt like it was less my fault than the first one. Just an unlucky move.
I’m actually not entirely sure who or what Pita is looking at! …but even though she’s feeling a little cocky in the next to the last panel, she’s still the same cute, clumsy girl underneath her new-found warrior facade… -TK
And just as cute 😀
But, why did she have to get rid of the Bunny Slippers of Awesomecuteness? 🙁
The good new is that her Bunny Slippers of Awesomecuteness will soon be back. The bad news is that Pita will not be wearing them… 😛 -TK
Please don’t say that Kib will be wearing them :/
I’m running behind a few days. Sorry -hope to catch up and post the new page over the weekend. -TK
As usual TK, life gets in the way. Thanks for checking in and letting us know you’re okay.
So, have you exhausted your cache of Zoey pages?
That story line was just starting to get interesting.
soon on the new page i hope? just starting to get intresting..