She also better be glad that this is (apparently) an all girl school. Otherwise things might get really awkward … and dangerous …
… scratch that; she can get all that here anyway …
I think linkinhead is right here… all the other girls are too mesmerized by Nikki to even think about taking out their books.
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Hmmmm. Looks like Nikki is building up some potential warrior cred.
She also better be glad that this is (apparently) an all girl school. Otherwise things might get really awkward … and dangerous …
… scratch that; she can get all that here anyway …
@TekServer… I agree… seeing how every single girl is ‘enchanted’ by her, imagine what could happen if all of them are waiting for her…
@Tim: in the bottom left frame, it looks like Nikki is wearing football shoes (with studs) !?!
Oops -good catch about the shoes Melissa. I’ll fix that over the weekend.
I think she just forgot to change them after the Steeleers game.
I don’t know if anyone else has this problem, but it’s kinda weird seeing this comic, with no one naked. Seen way to much porn in this medium.
Also, if they are in class, why is Nikki the only one with a text book?
cause no 1 else cares about school.
I think linkinhead is right here… all the other girls are too mesmerized by Nikki to even think about taking out their books.