I need to give a special shout-out to Michael S and Chuck A. Thank you both very much for the donations. Your support is greatly appreciated. I’ll be using your contributions to help build traffic to this site by advertising at TopWebComics.com. (I just finished a test ad on TWC during which Nikki Sprite traffic experienced a huge spike. I’m looking forward to doing more.) Again, thanks Michael and Chuck.

Speaking of TWC, they are currently running a cool Radio Supervillain contest. Did you ever have an idea for a villain you’d love to actually hear on a radio-style podcast?  Submit your idea for a radio supervillain at topwebcomics.com and read about where you can get hundreds of hours of free audio drama done by the impression cast of Decoder Ring Theatre!

I appreciate the positive feedback that readers have taken the time to post on this webcomic. Comments are unmoderated and posts should appear as soon as they are submitted. However, I  use a WordPress spam filter that sometimes inadvertently mistakes a comment or reply as spam and holds it for my approval. It doesn’t happen very often, but sorry to anyone who’s message got stuck in the filter until I released it.

Thanks for stopping by to check out this webcomic. Remember: Nikki is updated every Thursday.

Cheers -TKD